Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Scripture Study.

While I was sitting and listening to our last General Conference, what really stood out to me was how much we need to be teaching our children, so our children will be ready for the obstacles they will be faced with in their lives. It was as if I wasn't already having family pray or family home evening with my family, it was the fact that I haven't been having scripture study with my kids.

While growing up, my mom showed us the importance of daily scripture study. She would always read to us kids while we ate our breakfast before heading off to school. I know now that eventhough I hated sitting there and listening to my mom read something that I never really understood, that her hard work payed off and because of her hard work I know that it has made me a better person than what I would have been without it. Realizing that, I know that it is important to read to my kids and hopefully they will recognize how important daily scripture study is.

Let me just tell you how much Noah can understand. We have been reading the Book of Mormon together for the last month now, and he just is something else when it comes to knowing exactly what is going on. I sometimes think that he really is not my kid, I mean how can he be. When I was his age, it was just a bunch story's that didn't make sense and words that I couldn't even pronounce. Noah really is the exception.

I really enjoy reading to my kids and taking turns reading with Noah. I hope that I can continue reading with my kids, so they can gain a testimony of the scriptures and get to know who their savior is

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