Friday, February 5, 2010

Way Too Long.

WoW...It has been way too long since I posted last! I am still alive, for those that were wondering:) I will have to update my blog later...cause there is ohhh so much!

Life is busy for the Harrops!! Besides selling our house, being busy with Avid Off Road, and being a mother & wife....we are all good! I continue to count my many blessings! I was getting ready today and just began to cry. I have felt pretty overwhelmed lately, about whether or not Brandon and I were making the right decisions for our family. I now know that my Heavenly Father is aware of us, he loves us and wants the very best for my little tiny family!!! I definitely feel good about the things that will be happening, and I'm excited!

We had a buyer for our house, but the buyer dropped. So now it is back on the market, darn it! I'm tired of all this headache! Anyways, we will be moving to Gilbert, in about a month. We are going to rent from Beth and Eric for awhile. They needed a renter and so it worked out just perfect. We should be able to save and eventually be able to move into something bigger and something that works for the company. This house will be closer to Noah's school which will be nice:) I always hated driving him so dang far....but since I am so picky about his schooling, I had too.

Brandon will be quiting Toyota soon...Yeah! He is super excited and we are too! Avid is really picking up, and we aren't complaining:) It has been just 6 months since we started Avid and what a great experience this has been! For all those who haven't heard or are wondering what the heck Avid Off Road is. It's a off road fabrication company that we originally started for some extra income, but it has begun to take off and it is becoming more and more of a full time job for us. We recently purchased a Xiom system, so that we could offer powder coating to our customers. That is fun news!! Brandon just thought he was up to his ears, but now he really is.

The kids are all well, finally!! The flu has been crazzy this season! Ever since Kyra got back from our Halloween trip last October, she has been sick with ear infections. They just never have seem to go away with any of the antibiotics. She just finished her last medicine and if this medicine didn't work then they were going to put tubes in her ears. I took her in to see the doctor on Wednesday and got some great news! She is free of ear infections, Yeah! Noah is busy with school, trying to keep those grades up. Him and his homework keep us busy! I am so proud of him though, I never really have to study with him, he just seems to know it! It makes it alot more easier for me let me tell ya...He is still playing piano, and is getting better with every lesson! He can't wait for summer to be here, so he can play football.

As for me, busy has become my middle name. I'm trying to stay sane and be there for the kids and my hubby. I don't know how well I'm doing but I have almost lost my mind a few times, just ask my 9 year old. He will tell you how crazy his mother is:) I've been waking up at 5:20 every morning just so I can get some alone time in for myself. It has been working out pretty good. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I absolutely love to exercise. So that is just what I have been filling my alone time with, and I simply love it!!!


  1. Wow! That is so neat to be moving and doing your own business! Good luck with all that!

    I am so ready for summer just because I am so sick of everyone being sick! It seems like everytime I turn around one of the kids is sick again! UGH!

    So what exercise do you do in the morning? I was doing turbo jam and now I just switched to Jillian Michaels, I really like it but I wanna try other stuff so I don't get burned out!

  2. Jessica, I'm one that really likes to push myself! I love the burn:) I have my famous treadmill, which I use alot! It was the best investment:) I've done Jillian in the past and she has some great workouts! I've also done some p90x, I got bored of it though and didn't have the time for the long workouts, but you do see good results with it...lately I have been doing Zuzana's daily workouts along with running. She is extreme and you will definitely see results! You can check her stuff out at

    Let me know if you like her or not...good luck with your workouts, I know how it is....I get so burned out too!


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