Tuesday, May 24, 2011

38 Weeks & Counting...

Once again, I am depressed!!!  It just isn't fair!
38 weeks...
and no baby boy yet:(

I had my membranes striped yesterday.  I've been dilated to a 2 and a half and 80% in-faced for over a week, now.  I guess my body just loves being pregnant...It stinks!

My doctor is aware of how big this baby is and has scheduled for an ultrasound next week along with being induced if I don't go before then.  I expressed to him earlier through my pregnancy, that my husband weighed over 9 lbs. when he was born and that I wanted to be induced if he saw any signs of me having a big baby.  I'm nervous!!

My husband says I'm a ticking bomb waiting to go off.  I hope for sooner than later!

All I can say is I better not go over my due date again!!!
I went a week over my due date with my last pregnancy.  Poor Me!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Oppositional Children!

I feel as if my prayers have been answered, and I cry right now because I'm happy.  For the past 6 months or so, I have had this constant nag to get control of my boy Noah.  Our 10 year old son is exceptionally rude, grumpy and disrespectful and defiant at home.  School is a different story and always has been.  He is a wonderful student, a leader, teachers enjoy him and have great things to say about him.  They are always shocked when I share the difficulty that we experience at home.  None of this behavior is ever displayed at school.  He has many friends, plays sports and piano.  He is a welcome guest at play dates.  Parents of his friends often comment on his polite behavior.  Obviously, many convey to me of what a great kid he is, and I truly believe this!  I've always said that he's 85% great but the 15% that's hard, is absolutely grueling.  For the last couple of months, many ideas have gone through my head, of what might be triggering this at home....I have thought to myself that maybe we need to go and talk with a counselor.  Maybe he needs to talk with someone or maybe I need to go talk with someone.  I'm not someone who looks at counseling as a bad thing.  We all need counsel in our lives, whether it be from a friend, from a professional, or simply from our mother's.  We all need someone we can trust to talk with.  I have also thought alot about how our situation, use to be, before meeting my wonderful husband Brandon.  I have also considered that his behavior could be coming from him being an only child for so long, and not having a stable father figure in his life.  In which, I know he has always had stable people in his life, especially ones he has been able to look up to.  So, I know for a fact that this isn't it.  But who knows....this is why I have had my uncontrollable nag, because I don't want him treating me like this anymore!  I've been tired of it for a long time and just thought that this was his personality and who he is.  I should have delt with it along time ago, but I guess when you don't know....you just don't know.  Thia is the website I found to be very helpful.  What a relief it has been knowing that other parents are dealing with the same issues as I am.  Noah is truly a wonderful kid!  I Love Him So Much!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Little Anne Geddes.

 I couldn't help but take a picture of her.  Isn't she cute!!  The way she fell asleep reminded me of the famous photographer, Anne Gedde.